Thursday, August 5, 2010

Making a witch bottle

Witch bottles are bottles/orbs/jars what have you that are meant to trap negative energies, curses (or maybe even astral projecting witches!) inside, and then destroy them either via the items/potion inside, or by the light of day. A witch bottle found in England made the news on the netterwebs recently - a traditional sort filled with all sorts of nasties, such as bent nails... and urine.

More after jump.

More sanitary forms of the idea have even made their ways into gardens - the gazing orbs you see on pedestals in people's yards are modern witch balls, which were originally meant not as a pretty bauble but as a method of deflecting curses and ill will from neighbors and local evil Witches. It's even been suggested that the reflective balls we use as Christmas Ornaments are descended from the same item.

Modern witch bottles may still contain 'fluids' from the person using them for their own benefit or that of the household they wish to protect, but more often than not, 'dry' items (hair, nail clippings) are used instead. It could be as simple as an empty bottle strung from a tree, or in the case of the one created earlier tonight with a friend, the whole works blessed by the 4 elements of air, wind, earth and fire.

I won't describe the exact contents of her personal bottle - but if you're interested in learning more, look it up. There's plenty of sites with instructions and histories of the practice.

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