Saturday, January 22, 2011

Wrapping up January

So far, January has been pretty good to me. I recently finished an illustration job doing a series of speculative covers for some children’s books, as well as a handful of commissions for random designs for people. I’ve been to see some fantastic movies - Black Swan, for instance - while others, such as Season of the Witch, were just terrible (I‘ll go into that in another post).

My relationship with A’jm has been through some odd little patches - nothing I’d even go as far as to describe as ‘bumpy,’ but things feel… restless. I just feel sort of ’bleh’ lately, and I’m not completely sure why. Though I don’t believe in Tarot telling the future, I do like sitting down to do ‘year’ reading now and then. Curious about what the cards may have said about this month ahead of time, and looking for some perspective, I looked back to one such reading, which I did in August of 2010 and recorded the draw from. January was drawn as such: 

1) Moving behind me: The Knight of Pentacles
2) In love and relationships: Judgement
3) In Worldly issues: The Nine of wands
4) In Spiritual issues: The Ten of Cups
5) Things to come in February: The Knight of wands
6) The overall tone of January: The Nine of Pentacles

Spreading the cards out once more, I took a look at the reading for January a second time.